CAN bus interface configuring fails

@@devices is this something the customer do themselves (i.e. add the mcp2517fd overlay)? I am a completete n00b when it comes to this… Are there any docs that describe this from first principles (in the balena context)?

Hi @npetridis, To include your custom overlay in a BalenaOS image you can open a PR in the balena-raspberrypi repository. Here’s an example PR on how to add your overlay

hi @ab77

I am not able to execute cansend and candump commands on balena terminal .
Can you please help

Hi @ErikHH I am building an applicaiton using rev pi connect and rev con can module.
I am not able to install can-util . As a result not able to use fucntions from can-util

Can you please help as pip install can-util gives the following error.

Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement can-utils (from versions: none)
ERROR: No matching distribution found for can-utils