BalenaDash WPE service issue

Hi everyone,

I have pushed the balenadash devices is connected and shows the application on the dashboard.

but for some reason all the services keep restarting and i get this error in the logs.

wpe standard_init_linux.go:207: exec user process caused “no such file or directory”

its saying no such file or directory. when i repush it again it uses cache.

I deleted the device and reimaged it and it still is doing the same thing?

am i missing something this was all working and then stopped after i tried to push it?


I am starting from scratch removing balena cli npm git all that…

i figured it out, had to download the whole zip instead of git cloning it to the local machine. NPM seems to loose permissions. now all is good after i downloaded the whole source.

you can close this and i do see this issue on the blog post.